A quick home remedy for prostatitis in men

causes of prostatitis in men

Quick treatment of prostatitis at home is entirely possible. Regardless, a man is tormented by an acute or chronic illness of such a carefree illness. A powerful assistant in this delicate issue are good traditional folk remedies that are properly loaded into the body.

Method for calculating prostatitis

Of course, only a doctor can accurately diagnose a man. But there are symptoms that will help calculate prostatitis earlier and start treatment sooner. The most common form of prostatitis in men is chronic. It develops slowly and all signs are revealed only over time.

Symptoms of any type of prostatitis include:

  • Discomfort in the groin or penis;
  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • Use the restroom continuously.

If the condition worsens and the pain increases, this indicates acute illness. And its markers are as follows:

  • Painful toilet visits;
  • Pain in the groin;
  • Urination;
  • Changes in the general condition of the body get worse;
  • Increasing temperature;
  • Impaired erectile function.

After contacting a doctor, a man must be examined. Medication will help to resolve this problem quickly. Their effectiveness will be greatly increased by a variety of home remedies.

How to cure prostatitis at home?

There are countless options for home treatment for prostatitis. For example:

  • Folk remedies;
  • Massage;
  • Physics exercises;
  • Specialized equipment for physiotherapy.

All of these will quickly return to normal strength and general well-being. The home remedy for prostatitis in men is highly effective only in the absence of complications. Recurrent episodes of prostatitis require more effective therapy.

What folk remedies can bring a man

If a man tries to cure himself at home, taking folk remedies as a basis, this will help relieve pain, eliminate inflammation and even normalize the toilet. In addition, it will increase the activity of the whole organism and increase its resistance to bacterial diseases.

Witch hazel

To start treating prostatitis, the bark or leaves of this plant will. The broth can be made alternately - from the bark, then from the leaves. It is worth noting that the bark takes longer to incubate, as it is much tougher.

The formula is not complicated at all. One teaspoon of ingredients is steamed in a cup of hot water. Then you need to wait half an hour and filter. Taking the decoction inside is prescribed for a quarter-cup four times a day. And for a new split cup, it's better to get fresh ingredients. Just drinking this broth for a week is enough. This will help speed up the treatment of prostatitis at home.


Thanks to the wormwood tree, a man will easily cure most diseases, including prostatitis. In this case, the most effective treatment is to take dried wormwood and wash the urethra with a suitable decoction of water.

You need about a hundred grams of dried wormwood. It must be ground, then sifted. The course lasts about a week. Dried wormwood can be consumed both before and after eating. A pinch should be swallowed and washed off with water. Washing and douching are most convenient in the evening.

And sharpening is done as follows: a teaspoon of dried wormwood is poured with a liter of hot water. When it cools to about forty degrees, it is filtered. Each procedure needs about fifty ml. Enema and rinsing are carried out with a syringe.

Inject strongly into the urethra to ensure good progression through the canal. For each procedure, the syringe must be separate. For visual aid, you can find free online videos.

Pumpkin seeds

Their healing effect is because they contain a huge amount of zinc. A man can often complain about a lack of zinc. And this is not surprising, as it ensures the health of the body. For pumpkin seed treatment, dry seeds are usually obtained. But that doesn't mean fried.

Approximately 0. 5 kg pumpkin seeds are required for the entire treatment process. They must be peeled and consumed without being spoiled. The course will last until these seeds are gone. If a man performs such treatment every year, there are good chances of reducing the likelihood of an exacerbation to zero.

Consumer Variations:

  • It is recommended to eat three dozen seeds before meals every day. But slowly. Chew thoroughly.
  • Put the unpeeled seeds in the blender and add about 200 grams of honey. It is necessary to mix well, then swab into balls from the resulting mixture, about the size of a walnut. During the treatment, before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you need to eat a few of these balls. But don't swallow them immediately. These balls should be chewed and swallowed for at least a few minutes.

Healing with parsley

Parsley is a treasure trove of vitamins. It completely helps to reduce inflammation and normalize erectile function. Despite the fact that parsley is very popular in the culinary field, it is still a healing herb, as it contains a lot of minerals and other useful elements.

For example, 100 grams has a few daily values ​​for retinol. If we remember ascorbic acid, there are four times more than that in lemons. Parsley also contains inulin - organic "insulin". It controls blood sugar and is also the best source of nutrients for the gut microflora. This means that it would be an ideal supplement for medications prescribed by a doctor.

It is important to drink one tablespoon of its juice three times a day, thirty minutes before meals. The seeds of this green plant are also helpful. It is necessary to crush four teaspoons of seeds and pour one cup of hot water, then boil for about fifteen minutes and let cool. Drink one teaspoon of this infusion, preferably five times a day.

Treatment of prostatitis with vegetable juice

To do this home treatment of prostatitis you need a juicer and standard foods. For example, vegetables. Under the action of plant fluids, uric acid secretion is activated in the man. Inflammation in the prostate gland slows down, bacteria are destroyed. These juices work very well:

  • Elderberry - half a glass before a meal for ten consecutive days;
  • Vegetables - six hundred ml each;
  • Asparagus - half a liter per day.

Treatment of prostatitis with propolis

For the treatment of prostatitis at home, propolis is used as a homemade suppository. It is not difficult to make them. Pour 10 grams of propolis with 30 ml of alcohol and incubate for 10 days, remember to stir. When the time limit is over, the alcohol must be airborne. The alcohol will evaporate until only brown liquid remains. Then add 20 grams of butter and, put the mixture in a water bath, heat until homogeneous.

Volume of this mixture will create ten candles. Each should be wrapped in foil and refrigerated. A man with prostatitis should use such suppositories for treatment for twenty days. A double portion of the mixture should be prepared immediately. "Window" - ten days, and then should repeat the course.

Massage for prostatitis

For the prevention and treatment of prostatitis, experienced doctors advise men to massage the prostate gland, in addition to medication. This simple but very effective procedure can help eliminate chronic prostatitis of any kind, including chronic.

Why is massage so effective:

  • Provides a stream of secretions;
  • Enhance effectiveness of drug treatment;
  • Increases muscle activity;
  • Stabilizes blood flow in the penis;
  • Normalization of men's sexual function.

Massage can be done rectally or by working on the groin tissues.

Prostate massage is called the most effective. Access to it opens through the anus. A man can do this massage himself, he can ask a relative. But it would be better to seek help from a doctor. The prostate gland itself is very fragile and can easily damage it.

However, if it is decided to do such massage at home, a man can either use a special massage machine or ask his wife to perform this delicate service. If this is your first time doing this process yourself, it's best to look for relevant free videos.

Simple massage type - outside. A little less effective, but a relief for men is in need of penetration. It is necessary to press and do circular gestures in the groin area. You can also use a massage machine.

If they are not there, it is allowed to get something from the available media. An alternative would be a tennis ball. He was placed on a chair, and the man sat on it and rolled gently back and forth. This procedure can be repeated several times a day. But this massage must be done in the morning. Five minutes is enough.

An important point: in order for the home massage to provide the necessary therapeutic effect and not cause any damage, it is necessary to understand where the prostate is located. All movements must be performed very carefully. It is necessary to remember about contraindications.

Without massaging:

  • There is a stone or cyst in the prostate gland;
  • Symptoms of a malignant tumor;
  • Acute prostatitis.

Exercise and other prostatitis treatments

There is no better prevention than regular exercise for obstructive disease. If prostatitis already has a place, simple actions on the body will quickly help men heal. It is not necessary to do them day in and day out. Three times a week is enough.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to take a small course in specialist physical education at a clinic. But most of them with exertion can be effective in treating prostatitis at home. You don't have to put in too much effort, you don't need special conditions. But these loads would be the ideal complement to the previously chosen treatment, providing a quick and effective elimination of prostatitis at home.


This exercise is both physically tiring and effective. Squats help to stabilize blood flow in the pelvic organs, including the prostate gland. Should sit down a hundred times. But it is not necessary to do a hundred at once. It would be better to divide this number into two or three approaches with short breaks.

If even in this case a hundred squatting is difficult, then you can start with a much smaller amount and gradually increase the load. During the test, you need to raise your hand as high and lower as possible.

What other types of physical activity will help with your treatment

Squats are not the only possible download options. To complement a man's therapeutic workout would be useful:

  • Lie on your back, you need to pull your legs higher up to your chest, grab your feet and stay in this position for no more than twenty minutes;
  • Pull (cross legs with weight from tummy) - twenty repetitions;
  • Put your legs together, sit down for a quarter and push your knees forward in turn - five minutes twice a day;
  • Raise your legs straight from a prone position - twenty times.

There are many free videos about this type of exercise online. In addition, regular walking would be a great load. It will help stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic region. Need to walk at any time - for example, regularly walk and stop using the lift.

Take a warm bath

In order to stimulate blood circulation, the man would occasionally take a relaxing bath with warm water. It is of concern that the water in the bathroom should not be hot, but it should be warm. And you shouldn't relax there for more than fifteen minutes. To enhance the effect and speed up the treatment process, instead of using water, you can sharpen the herbs there.

A very important point: never shower if body temperature is high - this will only make the condition worse.

Specialized equipment that can aid in prostatitis treatment

The general development of the medical field has led to the creation of many devices to assist in the treatment of prostate diseases. Through them, you can successfully fight prostatitis at home. They stimulate the prostate gland, stabilize blood flow, and thus eliminate the blockage.

These different devices are broken down into:

  • Vibration;
  • Laser;
  • Magnetic;
  • Use alternating current.

Each of these movements has its own advantages. Vibration, for example, is more effective at eliminating congestion and increasing muscle activity. And magnetically relieves pain, removes puffiness and inflammation.

As you have seen, home treatment of male prostatitis is not too difficult and quite feasible. It is important to follow all the instructions and the continuity of action. After that, the effect is really quick and tangible. Prostatitis is not a pleasant diagnosis, but this is not a judgment. And the earlier and sooner it is found, the easier and faster the cure is.